The price depends on the stitch count, click here for prices.
Editing is free only for the designs we make for you; however, any designs that are older than 30 days will be charged.
When you submit your picture after the order is completed, you will receive a detailed e-mail with proof of stitches (PDF and Jpeg files) indicating the number of stitches perfectly used for your design, and in our same mail, the price of your design according to our prices quoted on our website. When you pay it to us through PayPal, you also get a link to download the raw files.
We specifically digitize a design with the fabric in mind. The fabric will determine the type of underlay, push-pull compensation, and the density that the digitizer must take into account when designing. If the design uses a multitude of fabrics, other types of fabric will be edited. Not all fabrics require change.
No, we cannot sell you the designs ordered by anyone else; all your designs are confidential and secure. On our website, models show that it cannot be downloaded or printed. It is completely secure, and designs are displayed after confirmation by buyers or creators.
Yes, backups are available within your account panel anytime!
Some of the following file formats are accepted: jpg, .tif, .gif, .bmp, .pcx, .png, .dxf, .emf, .wmf, .pdf, .cdr, .psd cdr, .ai, .eps, .wmf, ect. If you send us in CorelDraw (.cdr) or Adobe Illustrator (.ai), it is important that you convert the artwork from text to curves first. Otherwise we may not be able to read the same font that you have sent.
Please visit WWW.WINZIP.COM You can download a free trial version from there. Once it has been installed it will automatically pop up and do it's job whenever you double-click on a zipped file.
We can offer you all major formats a few of which are: DST, EXP, CND, DSB, DSZ, KSM, T01, T03, T04, T05, T09, XXX, EMT, EMB, TAP, SEW, JEF, HUS, PES, PEC, PCS, PCD, PCQ, CSD and many others as client requirement.
We work with professional designers and are made to meet your exact requirements. Our Free trial ensures that we are sure you will get your designs better than your expectations.